Probiotics aren't enough!


I used to pray to find just that ONE THING to cure all my health issues, especially my acneđŸ˜©. But its not that easy. Harsh meds with hundreds of side effects sometimes just ain’t it. The hard truth is, quick fixes often do more harm than good. Yes supplements like probiotics are great but you can’t rely on one thing to reverse and heal years of inflammation. I know it might be overwhelming at first to create new habits for holistic healing but it’s so worth it. You are worth the work❀.

Gut Health is SO CRUCIAL because if your gut is out of whack, so will your physical and mental health be, as our gut determines how well we:

đŸŒ± get nutrients from our food
♻recycle hormones

A gentle reminder that if you experience majority of the following, it’s important to stop taking short cuts and start taking baby steps that will take you so far in the end!

😖Symptoms: Chronic acne, excessive flatulence, irregular bowel movements, brain fog/ poor memory, chronic exhaustion, abnormal sugar cravings, developed food sensitivities, coated white tongue /poor breath etc


Highly recommend to work with functional practitioners, herbalist and naturopaths so they can give you more PERSONALISED protocols that will help your individual needs as everyone is different.

Also, while Zilch Acne Formula [LIZPP] dramatically cleared my acne, I was also eating healthier, managing stress levels, resetting my gut by doing an elimination diet for the first couple of months, focusing on my digestive system etc

I still have lots to learn and sometimes I revert back to my old ways which sets me back, but it’s only human. Set backs make us stronger as long as we don’t give up! Lots of love, your gal, Liz ❀❀❀

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