
What exactly are the small stubborn bumps on our foreheads??? I suffered from super textured skin for years, but after extensive research, multiple visits to professional clinics, and trial and error with skincare products + diet changes, I am finally able to understand and inform myself of the common causes for small bumps.

  1. Subclinical Acne—This form of acne is caused by a buildup of dead skin cells and oil blocking the pores on your forehead. This could be caused by factors such as stress, lack of sleep, diet and pore-clogging skin care products.

  2. Pomade Acne—Does your hair fall across your forehead? Tiny bumps can also occur when hair products clog your pores. Pomades often contain pore-clogging oils and waxy substances that can cause tiny pimples to appear along your hairline.

  3. Acne Mechanica- This type of acne is the result of heat and friction caused by tight clothes, glasses, hats, helmets and other gear that presses against the skin. The humidity + sweat could also lead to yeast overgrowth which in turn creates fungal acne.

  4. Hormones—Hormone fluctuations (similar to subclinical) caused by diet and stress have been shown to trigger acne breakouts in specific facial regions. Personally, excessive dairy, coffee and meat trigger my forehead breakouts.

There are many other factors which cause forehead bumps, but those are the main reasons. My forehead pimples (I think) came from all four reasons above AHHAHA Luckily, I’ve built a really good routine to prevent my forehead pimples from breaking out. 

Below are some of the things I have done to help manage my forehead bumps:


1. Wash your skin twice a day (morning and before bed) with a mild soap-free cleanser such as @tribeskincare balm cleanser or @banishacnescars mint cleanser. Don’t use a cleanser that strips the skin from your natural oils. Overwashing skin= more sebum 

If you have severe fungal acne, I recommend using Almond Clear Skin Cleanser which works amazingly because of it’s mandelic acid.

2. Shower right after exercise (life hack: use non fragrant baby wipes if you’re far away from home after sport/gym) Make sure to use cool-cold water to avoid having heated water further irritate your skin.

3. Keep your hair out of your face at all times. Don’t want those hair oils touching your skin😩

4. Exfoliate 2 times a week: either physically or chemically. I use @foreo Luna 3 facial pulsating brush (silicone nubs) to get right into the pores and @banishacnescars pumpkin mask which works to unclog and shed old skin cells. I also love @almondclearskin AHA serum level 1.

5. Controversial topical treatment: I like to use 2.5 % benzyol peroxide lotion. Works wonders in killing bacteria (approx $10 at the chemist) May experience redness + itchiness in the first week. If BP doesn’t work, I highly recommend Almond Clear Serum Level 1 (again, its mandelic acid quickly kills bacteria and also sheds the outer layer of your skin to prevent clogged pores. Remember to wash your hands over applying this serum as it can be drying)

6. Sleep enough hours and always before midnight and less screen time (lack of sleep releases stress hormones) 

7. Keep hydrated (drinking min 2L of water + wearing hydrating serums)

8. Relax and smile !!! At the end of the day your mental well-being is most important ❤️😘


XOXO Your gal, Liz

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